


TDCO Range


LDCO Range













Data for 2 patients in whom agreement between thermodilution (TDCO) and lithium dilution (LDCO) was least good. Values are given in l/min. In both these patients there were 24 TDCO measurements. For each patient the scatter of the TDCO readings was considerably greater than that of the LDCO values. Some variation in cardiac output would have occurred over the period of the measurements, but there were no changes in blood pressure or heart rate to suggest that the changes measured by TDCO were real. If these 2 patients are excluded, the data from the other 38 patients gives LDCO = 0.04 + 0.96TDCO (l/min), r2 = 0.97, with a bias of - 0.17 l/min and precision of 0.29 l/min. The data for this table was taken from [Linton RAF, Band DM, O'Brien TK, Jonas MM, Leach R. Lithium dilution cardiac output measurement: a comparison with thermodilution. Intensive Care Medicine 1997; 25:1796-1800].